From reusable grocery bags to stainless steel straws, sustainability has been in style. Within the last decade, consumers have increasingly been searching for sustainable products, and not only are they searching but they are buying them too. Products that are marked as sustainable and eco-friendly grow 5.6 times faster than those that aren't. (Whelan & Sacco, 2019) The supply is high but the demand is higher, why?
The climate crisis is the defining crisis of the 21st century encapsulating both global warming and climate change. Scientific evidence of long-term change in weather patterns and global climates has been shown to demonstrate the severity and the urgency needed to mitigate the crisis.
In 2016, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) officially came into effect. Adopted by world leaders at the UN summit, the SDGs are a collection of goals intended to be a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future" (The 17 goals, para 1). Goal 12 of the SDG strives to ensure sustainability in consumption and production patterns, something that FNB strives to practice and promote within our community. Donating goods is one big way to contribute to sustainable consumption. Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic, many shelters are not accepting used clothing items however, they will accept them as soon as they are able. After all, nothing lasts forever, not even the coronavirus. So, don't throw things away. Save them, there is someone out there who needs the things that you no longer do. Here's a list of things that you can do to contribute to goal 12:
- donate used items. (FNB will start recollecting used items as soon as we can, hang onto them if you can!!)
- limit food waste!
- use reusable alternatives.
- recycle and reuse!
-use eco-friendly cleaning products.